Cosmetic Dentistry in Atlanta

Creating Beautiful, Natural Smiles

Our doctors enjoy nothing more than seeing a patient who was once self-conscious about their smile, feel completely confident again.

Improve Your Smile & Boost Your Confidence

Thanks to modern technology, a smile makeover can often be completed in just a few visits. Some beautiful smiles can be created in just one visit!

The dentists at Atlanta Dental Center have many tools at their disposal to give patients lasting and gentle cosmetic solutions that also fit into their schedule and budget. Most importantly, the dentists can give a patient confidence in their smile.3. The doctors will make a wax-up model so you can see how your new smile will look.

New Patient Cosmetic Consultation

The first step in any cosmetic procedure is to do a full examination of your teeth and mouth and then review the different options available to give you a beautiful smile. Many cosmetic procedures can be done without cutting and with minimal preparation. Many of our procedures are very affordable, and all will make a tremendous improvement to your smile.

We can take pictures of your teeth and, using cosmetic imaging software, manipulate them to show you how your smile would look using different procedures.

Enhance your smile in just a visit or two

You don’t need to make multiple trips to the dentist’s office to get a beautiful new smile. There are many smile-transforming procedures we can perform that can be done in one or two visits. These include one-visit crowns (created on-site), gum recontouring, teeth whitening and dental bonding. Each of these procedures can make a big impact on your smile—with little time spent in the chair.

To make an appointment, call (404) 800‑1442 or click here to request an appointment online.

Conditions We Can Fix With Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry

What would you like to change about your smile?

  • Chips or rough spots
    These can often be handled with dental bonding, which is the application of tooth-colored composite resin to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored tooth.
  • Broken-down teeth
    Porcelain crowns, inlays or onlays are usually used to handle broken-down teeth.
  • Uneven or misshapen teeth
    Recontouring can reshape your teeth. Porcelain veneers are another option.
  • Stained or yellow teeth
    Typically, teeth are whitened with bleaching or by applying porcelain veneers.
  • Cavities or silver (metal) fillings
    We use tooth-colored fillings and can also replace your unsightly metal fillings.
  • Gaps between the teeth
    Gaps can often be treated with orthodontics. For a fast and very effective treatment, gaps can be closed with porcelain veneers or, in some cases, dental bonding.
  • Crooked teeth
    In some cases, crooked teeth can be given a uniform appearance with porcelain veneers.
  • Gummy smile or irregular gum line
    Atlanta Dental Center uses laser treatment to address gum disease, to eliminate excess gum tissue and for gum reshaping and contouring.
  • Missing teeth
    Dental implants can be used in various ways to provide you with natural-looking, natural-functioning and natural-feeling new teeth.
  • Cracked teeth
    We use dental bonding to repair cracked teeth.
  • Bad bite
    Invisalign treatment can adjust a bad bite. Along with virtual invisibility, Invisalign® is a more comfortable straightening solution for most people.

Cosmetic Services

Some of the cosmetic services we provide include:

Patient Testimonial

“I was looking for a dentist online and found Atlanta Dental Center. I had a broken tooth and discoloration, probably from growing up with hard water and from run-of-the-mill neglect. In my business, my mouth is open a lot and I needed a better smile. Whitening wasn’t doing anything, so I decided to get veneers and replace my metal fillings. As a singer, it is very important to me to have a good smile—it’s a confidence booster. I look at pictures from when I was a kid, and I was smiling all the time. As I got older, I smoked a lot and neglected my teeth. I made a decision to change my habits and redo my smile. Dr. Schmidt gave me my smile back and restored my confidence.” —Mike

Click here to read more patient testimonials.

To make an appointment, call (404) 800‑1442 or click here to request an appointment online.