Root Canals in Atlanta

Dr. Francisco Garcia is a highly trained and experienced in root canal therapy.

Root canal therapy is done to save a tooth when the pulp of a tooth root has become so infected it needs to be removed and replaced with new material. Dr. Francisco Garcia of Atlanta Dental Center has been doing root canal therapy for over 25 years. Dr. Francisco Garcia is a highly trained and experienced general dentist.

Dr. Garcia has performed hundreds of root canals and is able to assess either the best course of treatment to ensure any infection is fully treated, or whether a root canal is actually needed. He can treat most root canal cases.

Convenient and Comfortable

Patient lying down with blanket.Dr. Garcia and our staff do their best to make the root canal procedure as comfortable as possible. Our injections are barely noticeable, and Dr. Garcia makes sure your tooth and gums are properly anesthetized throughout the procedure. You can also cuddle up in a blanket, listen to music, or even watch a movie!

As a general dental practice, we can take care most of your dental needs, including any crown placement that’s needed to keep your tooth strong after its root canal.

To make an appointment, call [phone] or click here to request an appointment online.

Our Root Canal Procedure

Root Canal accurate diagnosis

Accurate Diagnosis

Before recommending a root canal, Dr. Garcia performs an examination and takes digital X-rays. He evaluates your symptoms and the inflammation in and around the affected tooth.

Thorough Root Canal Therapy

In some cases Dr. Garcia can complete a root canal in one visit. This is dependent on the level of infection of the tooth. Most likely, the infection in a tooth needing a root canal has been developing for a long time, even for years. At some point the person starts to experience symptoms such as pain and inflammation.

A heavy infection reduces the efficacy of anesthetic, so in these cases, Dr. Garcia likes to reduce the infection load first by prescribing a short course of antibiotics. He then starts the root canal procedure by cleaning out the infected tissue and allowing the infection to dissipate over the course of a week or so before sealing the  canals. This helps ensure the infection has been fully removed. It also gives your tooth, gums and body a chance to heal and strengthen.

High-End Materials

Once the root canals have been cleaned out and the infection removed, Dr. Garcia shapes the root canals using an efficient rotary instrument and the canals are filled in and sealed with a special biocompatible (body-neutral) sealer and a core of material that imitates a tooth root’s strength and pliability. Dr. Garcia uses high-end materials to provide the strength and longevity necessary to keep your tooth functioning well.

If you need a crown, the crown will be made from very strong and aesthetic porcelain material. It is designed to blend in with the shape and shade of your other teeth.

When Is a Root Canal Needed?

Diagram of a tooth.A root canal is a procedure performed to save a tooth that is badly damaged or infected. The pulp, or living part of the tooth, is made up of nerves and blood vessels. It is contained in the pulp chamber—a space inside the center of the tooth—which holds the pulp and extends into roots. It becomes infected or dies for a number of reasons, including:

  • Decay — bacteria causing tooth decay infects the pulp
  • Trauma — a traumatic injury can cause an inflammation of the pulp
  • Deep fillings — fillings that have to be placed close to the pulp chamber because of tooth decay or tooth fracture
  • Unexplained — sometimes the pulp can become inflamed and can die for no apparent reason

During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed from the “canal” inside the root, which is then cleaned, filled and sealed.

What are the symptoms of a tooth that needs a root canal?

  • Moderate to severe lingering toothache, which may be throbbing when having hot or cold foods
  • Toothache pain so intense it wakes you up at night
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Swelling on the gums which, when pressed, may release blood or pus
  • Pain that starts in one tooth and spreads to other regions of the jaw or head e.g., an infected lower molar (back tooth) may cause you to feel pain in the ear!

Sometimes, however, there may be no symptoms.

To make an appointment, call [phone] or click here to request an appointment online.