Dentures in Atlanta

Well-Fitting, Natural-Looking Dentures

Placing a denture correctly takes skill and experience. Our highly-trained staff are both experienced in the placement of dentures and skilled in ensuring that they fit and function perfectly.

If you have lost your teeth or are in danger of losing them, we can help you examine the options available and choose the type of dentures that will work best with your mouth and your lifestyle.

See our options for replacing missing teeth.

What makes a quality denture?

Many people who wear dentures or partial dentures have difficulty eating, develop sores and experience slippage from poorly-made or ill-fitting dentures.

At Atlanta Dental Center, we work with a top denture lab to provide:

  • Full dentures
  • Partial dentures
  • No-metal dentures
  • Immediate dentures

We Highly Recommend Denture Stabilization

Dentures can be stabilized using dental implants.

When needed, we recommend the use of full dental implants to stabilize your dentures. This has the added benefit of deterring bone loss. Loss of bone can cause eventual difficulty wearing dentures, jaw problems and can change the appearance of your face, giving it a sunken look.

We are experts in the crafting and placing of implants, and will ensure that the implants we place will secure your dentures to create the most natural fit and feel possible.

Our full and partial dentures are custom-made using quality materials that look natural and are durable. We ensure that they are the right shape, color and size for a natural look, and that the bite (the way your teeth come together) is correct so you can talk and eat properly.

Aligning the dentures correctly will also give you a more attractive look and prevent premature wrinkles around the lips or at the corners of the mouth.

To read more about denture stabilization with dental implants, click here

Options for Replacing Missing or Broken-Down Teeth

The Atlanta Dental Center offers many options for the replacement of missing teeth and the rehabilitation of debilitated or broken-down teeth.

These options include:

To make an appointment, call (404) 800‑1442 or click here to request an appointment online.