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Fearful Patient Testimonials

“Before coming to the Atlanta Dental Center, I was so frightened of going to the dentist that I only went when I was really in pain! I had a bad experience when I was sixteen and got my wisdom teeth pulled, and since then rated going to the dentist along with spiders and snakes.

“I was a mess before coming in and couldn’t sleep the night before—I have always tossed and turned before going to the dentist. The doctor talked me through the procedure and his assistant held my hand. I had two root canals in an hour, but I experienced no pain at all—not the same day or next—and I even went to a cocktail party that night!

“Before my next appointment, I slept like a baby and wasn’t at all frightened. Ever since then I haven’t been frightened and I have completely handled my fear.  I know that I will be taken care of at the Atlanta Dental Center and feel completely confident. I feel they care and that makes a difference. I actually look forward to coming here and regard it as a pleasant experience. If I ever moved I think I would fly here for my dentistry!”
